
What is Meditation?

Meditation is a technique where one can reach a keen state of consciousness and relaxation. It focuses on acknowledging and observing what is happening with the inner self. The goal of meditation is not to empty the mind but to be aware of the thoughts and be in the present moment. It is a great tool to understand how the mind really works and how to gain control on our thoughts.


Physical Level

  1. Improves cardiovascular health
  2. Improves motor skills
  3. Boosts immunity
  4. Reduces cravings
  5. Helps to fight addictions
  6. Lowers blood pressure


Emotional Level

  1. Increases self-control
  2. Increases will power
  3. Improves mood
  4. Reduces anxiety and negative emotions
  5. Eases depression
  6. Reduces stress


Mental Level

  1. Increases self-awareness
  2. Better focus and concentration
  3. Improves memory
  4. Enhances creativity and productivity
  5. May reduce age related memory loss
  6. Brings a sense of inner peace