What are Angels?

Angel are generally a supernatural being found in various religions and mythologies. Angels are “Messengers of God”. Angels are highly evolved spiritual beings and they are inhabitants of the seventh heaven. Angels serve as guides, guardians, assistants and healers and perform a number of beneficial activities. They are here to guide us, protect us and help us.

What is Angel Therapy?

Angels fill our days with love and light. They constantly watch us while we are asleep during night. These alluring words from an unknown author perfectly suit the people who actually believe or who benefit by their guardian angels or from Angel Therapy. Angel therapy helps to heal a distressed person and resolve their issues.

True angelic experiences make us feel warm, safe, loving and comfortable. In order to enjoy divine guidance and angelic presence in our life we need to be aware of divine interactions that may occur in different ways.

What are the Benefits of Angel Therapy?

  • Stress Reduction
  • A Peaceful, Calmer attitude
  • Removing Distress
  • Clarity against Past Problems
  • Promotion of Feelings of Peace and Security
  • Easing of Physical and/or Emotional Ailments